
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Not Cards This Time But.....

I thought I'd post the photographs of my recent efforts at pottery painting done on the "Ladies Nights" run by a lovely couple David and Debbie at their art shop in Albox.  Its a great night...I really do enjoy going there.  The vase,  jug/vase and dish I painted with for want of a better discription "exploding paints" (cant remember the correct name for them) .....its a great medium to use and does exactly that explodes when its "fired".

I'm posting four photos of the vase mainly to show the different angles.  I'm not great at it.....I just use a bit of  "artistic license".  lol

Will try and get some more cards put on shortly.



  1. These are fabulous Maureen your so talented...

    Sylvia xxxx

  2. Thanks Sylvia but I don't know about being talented I just like to give things a go!! lol

    Maureen x

  3. Well done for trying something different ---- All your projects are great, i love the colours you have used and your individual finished pieces.
    Look forword to seeing some more !

    Carolerob x
